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How are you? Having a good day? I sure hope so. And I also hope it's not going to get any worse.

I don't know what brought you here, but I am grateful you came. Among these pages should be something for everyone, from blog posts on random things and stories, to little tid-bits on my life for the family to bring themselves up to speed (because, even when you think you don't, we all have someone who wonders what you're up to from time to time). Whether or not you find this site entertaining is up to you, but my intention here is simply to provide a space for me to store some of my brain content. I may not have an overly different perspective on life than others, or be at all intelligent, but take a look through my eyes for a while. So, take a squiz, moisten your eyeballs and let your mouse, or finger, wander where it fancies. And who knows? Perhaps, by the time you're done here, you'll have figured out whether or not you share the same opinion as someone else when it comes to things like London, or Paris, or frozen food. Maybe you'll have had a chuckle at one of my stories. Or, even thrown a tantrum at one of my stories. I'll leave it up to you. Regardless, I'm just happy you're here. Enjoy.


Adam Colquhoun


Adam Colquhoun writer blog


The section of the site where TROLLS live...

Feel free to tell me what you think of my work, or leave any suggestions for topics, etc.

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